Cornerstone in 1995 first formed a group of Christian dentists and nurses with passions to serve people in Qingyuan, Guangdong by providing them with health talks and related services, which Cornerstone's medical serving mission has then begun.
Medical services are, to our observation, what is most needed in Mainland China at the moment. Therefore, along with the medical reformation in China in recent years, we focus on medical services by providing post-trauma treatment, surgeries, rehabilitation, clinics and hospital visits, etc. We also donate medical equipment to the community. In recent years, we cooperate with some Chinese rehabilitation centres in providing services for exceptional children (mainly for those who suffer from cerebral palsy). Cornerstone is dreaming to establish a holistic healing orientated “Tertiary Hospital”.
Rehabilitation Team and Surgery Team
Cornerstone has initiated rehabilitation service since the Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. We have been sending rehabilitation teams to pay visits and follow up special cases for people in need since then. Besides, healthcare and medical talks and related services are specifically provided for the poor in rural areas in order to improve their medical knowledge and understanding of healthcare.
In cooperation with hospitals in the mainland,Cornerstone provides impoverished children suffering from orofacial cleft with corrective surgeries. Apart from performing operations, we also form rehabilitation teams to provide related services and instruction. Our professional teams interact with Chinese physicians and medical workers in the expectation of having our skills transferred to them.
Rehabilitation Project for Exceptional Children
Aware of the increasing number of exceptional children in Mainland China, Cornerstone has initiated a Rehabilitation Project for Exceptional Children since 2014. We implement "Conductive Education" with the cooperation of the Hubei Province Disabled Persons' Federation Rehabilitation Centre. The project is to provide holistic recovery training with the integration of rehabilitation, preschool education, and daily activities for children with cerebral palsy who are aged 0 to 6, which aims to help and promote their physical, cognitive and social abilities. It simultaneously renews the concept of rehabilitation in Mainland China, which hopes to facilitate and ultimately achieve social integration of these children.
Cornerstone puts in trial a new rehabilitation centre specifically for impoverished children with special needs aged above 7 in Wuhan in the later half of 2017. While improving the children's cognitive and physical abilities, we help them enter their local special schools or even assimilate into ordinary schools. Simultaneously, the new centre provides home rehabilitation services, pays regular visits to particularly needy families and provides rehabilitation advice to promote integrated education opportunities for children with special needs.
Through the "Caring Train" outreach service scheme launched in 2016, Cornerstone provides timely and appropriate surgical or medical intervention for children with cerebral palsy from poor families.Intensive and home-based post-operative rehabilitation is provided in order to maximize the effect of surgery and help the families to follow up long-term rehabilitation of these children. At the same time, we may connect with rehabilitation centres from different provinces to provide training programmes and assist in operating conductive education. Teenagers with cerebral palsy are also the target group of our service. With the medical support, we hope to improve their living standard and brighten their lives.
Hospital visits and Palliative Medicine
Cornerstone helps Chinese medical units launch "Life Angel" scheme, which local volunteers are trained up to pay regular visits to care for patients staying at the hospitals. We also provide professional advice for the hospitals to develop palliative medicine and hospice care services.
Our dream in healing-Quality service and holistic care
Summing up the past experiences of taking part actively into the medical services in Mainland China, the Cornerstone Association is dreaming to establish a holistic healing orientated "Tertiary Hospital" with the following missions and objectives:
- Owning our premises with convenient locations which operate financially independently.
- Second grade hospitals with approximately a hundred beds are to be developed into first grade hospitals with approximately a thousand beds
- Quality hospital in-and-out patient care and Training of medical personnel
- Providing out-patient services in other provinces where local health bureaus can cooperate with us setting up mother & child health centres, village doctor medical stations and clinics so as to form a network to carry out better ministry of Cornerstone
- Making sure that the management and financial status of the hospital are of fairness, efficiency and high transparency
- Making sure to separate the purchase of medicine from that of prescription and only charge reasonable fees
- Hospital staff will be paid fairly and reasonably
- Providing immediate rescue and disaster relief during both human and natural disasters
Non-profitable organisations providing charitable medical services in order to set up a new model of hospital with resources is our hope in the long run and with God's grace, we hope to contribute back to the country with our profits.